New Signatures
It's time for some refreshing news. Our most popular signature pieces are now launching in new beautiful hues. We're tempting you with flavours such as mint, caramel, cherry jam and popcorn. The colour combinations are carefully curated by Helle herself in order to craft the most delicious creations possible.
- Bonbonniere
Milky Rose ~ Caramel
In the making
- Bon Bon Medi
Cherry Jam ~ Popcorn
- Bon Bon Mega
Mint ~ Cherry Jam
- The Signature Glass with a Twist
Cherry Jam ~ Popcorn
In the making
- The Basin
Mint ~ Popcorn ~ Mint
- The Jar Mega
Mint ~ MIlky Rose ~ Popcorn
- Bon Bon Mega
Rhubarb ~ Mint
- The Signature Glass with a Twist
Mint ~ MIlky Rose ~ Cherry Jam
In the making
- The Signature Glass
Mint ~ Cherry Jam